
Founded in 1967, we are adhering to "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Our unique features

Sabah's first kindergarten that
implements digital interactive smart boards

Comfortable environment with convenient transportation

Provide trilingual instruction and tailor
teaching to students' talents for seamless transition to primary school curriculum

Teach knowledge, shape character,
instill faith, prayer, and foster holistic
development in children from a young age

STEM teaching inspires
exploratory thinking

Parent-child classes and daycare center

Children are cared with love and patience

Children are able to learn and
and grow happily

A team of excellent and experienced teaching staff


Yuk Yu Kindergarten Likas will continue to strive towards becoming an excellent nursery.


1. Cultivate students to master knowledge and skills.
2. Guide and cultivate new citizens with noble character, strong determination, and a willingness to contribute.
3. Foster a caring environment and maintain harmonious relationships with the community, parents, staff, and students.
4. Nurture and experience unity among friendly Malaysian citizens.

Kickstart Your Child's Joyous Learning Journey!